Gladstone Park Hosts 'Haystacks at Haystack Rock'

“… That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full” (1 John 1:3–4).

Every year in August Gladstone Park Church members head to Les Shirley Park at Cannon Beach for Haystacks at Haystack Rock. Sabbath School and church services are still held at Gladstone, but many of members head for the beach in the morning and stay all day. After church many more drive over for an afternoon of fun at the beach, food (haystacks) and sunset vespers around a fire.

This year Haystacks at Haystack Rock, held Aug. 16, was extra-special with two baptisms. Bethany Wyman and Elizabeth (Liz) Mcleod responded to the call of the Holy Spirit, surrendering their hearts to Jesus and following His example in baptism.

Wyman grew up in the Gladstone Park Church but was away for a while. Though she tends to be quiet and avoid crowds, she enjoys her church family in both spiritual and social activities and has also accepted the job of church clerk. Her parents, Don and Sue, were smiling perhaps a bit more than the rest of the crowd.

Mcleod had a different journey. She worked with Montica Fus, a Gladstone Park member. Fus invited Mcleod to the church women’s retreat, and she accepted. Mcleod experienced love and friendship, and soon she and Fus were studying the Bible regularly. At Cannon Beach Mcleod introduced her church family to her parents, her brother and his family, plus two good friends.

In the evening the sun set on a perfect Sabbath as Gladstone Park welcomed two new members to the family of God.

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Featured in: October 2014
