Alaska Welcomes Stearman Family

The Alaska Conference is proud to announce the soon arrival of Nathan Stearman and his wife, Gina, along with their children, Abigayle and Gabriel. Stearman will be overseeing the pastoral duties in the district of Juneau and Sitka. Leaders of both churches are excited about this young family coming to their communities. The Stearmans are a tight-knit family with a love for Jesus and His service and have regular family worships with their children, as well as discipling them to love the Jesus that they do. 

They were married in December 2002 and began their pastoral ministry in Michigan at the Glenwood Church while Nathan finished his Master of Divinity degree at Andrews University in Berrien Springs. While there, Gina obtained her nursing license and began work as a registered nurse. She has since worked as a recovery room nurse and will be leaving a position working in the emergency room.

Nathan pastored seven years in Michigan before moving to the Kansas-Nebraska Conference, where the Stearmans have been serving at the Three Angels Church in Wichita, Kan. They have fond memories of spending time near the Great Lakes, ministering at summer camp with their young children and relishing the changing seasons in the beautiful countryside.

Both love the outdoors, taking long road trips, great skiing and beautiful mountains and believe that Jesus is the real secret to happiness. This deeply held conviction has led them to prayerfully seek His leading in the decisions they have faced in relocating to a more rural setting. So when the call came to consider southeast Alaska, they felt it was an answer to prayer. Nathan is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry in discipleship and biblical spirituality cohort through Andrews University.

The Alaska Conference is blessed to have this quality young couple come.

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Featured in: July 2014
