Treasure Valley Finds God's Providence in 1042GP

Have you ever heard of a tax return called a 1042GP? We had heard of a 1040EZ but never a 1042GP. We were about to have a clear understanding.

We had kicked the new school year off like the last 10 years, in a deficit. Although we were on track for our annual fundraiser, we needed big money for big needs.

For starters our computers were “pre-2000." How can children continue to grow in the computer industry with “dinosaur” computers? It’s possible you say? It was possible to learn without air conditioning during the Little House on the Prairie days, but now our children excel in all subjects earlier in life. This has a lot to do with modern conveniences.

Our needs totaled $9,200. Our goal was set for $10,000. This is a lot of money, but we knew God would provide for our necessities.

We started planning the fundraiser for March. We would again host a potato feed and auction. We prayed for items. God provided. We prayed for people to come. God sent 295 people to buy tickets either from the kids or at the door. Some of those who attended were community members. This was our ultimate goal, to reach people outside the four walls of our church. Another goal we had was to have a fun event so all our area churches could come together. We not only had several individuals from our area churches, but David Prest, Idaho Conference president, attended. We were honored to have him attend and take time out of his personal life on a Sunday and experience the difference God is making in our school.

The night closed with a lot of sweat, tears of joy and giving thanks unto God, our supreme Provider. Within a couple of days we had $9,264. We were so overjoyed as we reached our need plus $64 extra. Needless to say we were grateful. The Scripture that came to mind was Phil. 4:19: “My God shall supply all your needs … .”

Two weeks went by, and a few of us were visiting with a lady from out of town. She informed us she heard how well we did at our annual auction and was overjoyed. She asked what our goal was. We told her we were shooting for $10,000, but God provided for our needs. She immediately said, “I want to help you meet your goal in honor of my mother who recently passed away.” There was hooting and hollering, but mostly just praising God. When she cut us a check for $736, we officially reached $10,000.

Are you still wondering about a 1042GP? Well we had $42 in “promised” ticket sales turned in late. We realized we made $10,042. The amount definitely supplied our needs plus some. But it was not about “My Plan” (MP) or “Our Plan” (OP); it was “God’s Plan” (GP) all along. “Wait on the Lord I say, wait …” (paraphrased from Psalms 27:14).

So remember as you receive your tax returns in the mail, no matter whether you filled out an “EZ” or “XYZ," it all goes back to GP … God’s Plan. We are grateful for His 1042 GP. Choose to stay on God’s path and follow His plan. In all things “rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” (Phil. 4:4).

Cindy Grimaldo, fundraiser event coordinator

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Featured in: June 2014
