Riverside Christian School Hosts 24th Annual Apple Festival

The 24th annual Riverside Christian School Apple Festival was held in Washougal, Wash., on Oct. 13. Church members and school families volunteered for weeks to prepare for the largest school fundraiser of the year. The attendance was even better than expected — more than 1,000 people came and enjoyed a beautiful fall morning and afternoon. People enjoyed food, sweet treats and checking out 26 local vendors. Fun activities for kids included pony rides, a jumpy slide, cake walks, confetti eggs and pie-eating contests.

Among the best-known attractions of the Apple Festival are the apple pies and dumplings. Church and school members made 950 dumplings and 350 pies by hand. Every dumpling sold out, and only 16 pies were left at the end of the day.

The event is the biggest fundraiser and outreach of the year for Riverside Christian School. The money raised will go towards many projects during the year. The two biggest needs are a new sign for the school and sports equipment for the new physical education program.

As part of the community service outreach program, students visited local businesses and handed out 150 posters, advertising for the upcoming Apple Festival. They followed up by distributing pies to the sponsors as a thank you.

“This event is amazing. The coming together of the church and school families in a community-impacting event is inspiring. The Lord truly blessed the efforts of many to reach out in a fun and tangible way to our community and for our school. It sends a message to our students that they can plant seeds for Jesus in our community and see the results of His blessings on their participation,” said Heidi Kruger, Riverside Christian School principal.

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Featured in: December 2013
