Grants Pass Students Put 'SPIRIT' into Community Service

There's been plenty of "SPIRIT" this year during Grants Pass (Ore.) Adventist School's monthly community service activities. Students incorporated SPIRIT into their pledge at school:

Show love to others;

Perform my best at school;

Integrate the gifts God has given me to bless others;

Respect the people God has placed over me;

Initiate caring for the property around me;

Take care of any problems they cause.

To put this pledge to work, students first put on a special ceremony to honor local military, police and firefighters on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The names of all who perished that day were written on replicas of the buildings and planes involved, and students gave gifts to some of their local military and public safety personnel.

Students also gleaned organic produce from the school garden for local needy families and elderly church members. Last October, students also participated in the local CROP (Christian Rural Overseas Program) Walk to help end world hunger.

Before Thanksgiving break, the entire school gathered for a Thanksgiving luncheon and program. Widowers from local churches were invited for a fresh Thanksgiving meal.

Students responded to a food shortage at the local food pantry in December by collecting canned food directly and as admission to the Christmas program. They also filled stockings for soldiers overseas and filled 52 shoe boxes with toys and necessities for children in the Philippines.

In February, students delivered stuffed bears and love notes on Valentine's Day to local nursing homes. They also teamed up with the local Bureau of Land Management and planted more than 200 trees on Earth Day.

Committed to their mission statement, "soaring to new heights in education by educating the whole person for a life of useful service to the world," the staff will continue to pursue opportunities for students to show their SPIRIT.

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Featured in: July 2012
