Local TV Ministry Goes into All the World

Blue Mountain Television is a viewer-supported Seventh-day Adventist broadcast ministry operating English and Spanish stations in the Walla Walla (Wash.) Valley. For more than 20 years, the ministry has faithfully served on a local level — until now.

For a little more than a year, viewers in Hermiston, Ore; Yakima, Wash.; Ellensburg, Wash.; Leavenworth, Ore.; Wenatchee, Wash.; the Tri-Cities (Wash.) and points between have been able to watch BMT on cable via an agreement with Charter Communications. BMT’s English programming is available on Charter’s Basic Digital Package, Channel 179. The Spanish programming is available on Charter’s Latino Package, Channel 233.

In addition to the expansion into cable broadcasting, BMT experienced another recent breakthrough that is taking its broadcasts around the world. Thanks to advancements in Internet streaming technology, BMT’s programming is available online at www.bmt.tv. Around the clock, around the world BMT is accessible by anyone with a high-speed Internet connection. Since launching its online broadcasts, BMT has received viewers from many countries, including China, Norway, Mexico and Turkey.

Kim Kjaer, BMT manager, recently received a call on a Thursday asking if they would be interested in putting BMT on a Tri-Cities television station. The same person called again the next day to say his associates definitely wanted to air BMT’s programming in the Tri-Cities. The following Monday, another individual with the same group called and said they wanted to put BMT on eleven other stations, including some in other Washington cities like Omak, Moses Lake and Seattle. The BMT staff is praying about this seemingly providential opportunity, asking God to work it out according to His will. They solicit your prayers as well.

In addition to reaching more people here at home and abroad, BMT has another big goal — to produce more Adventist programming addressing areas of viewer need, such as health, family, finances and children. These are avenues by which, with God’s blessing, BMT can catch viewers’ attention, offer something better and point souls to Jesus.

By faith, BMT is taking steps toward building a production studio where they can produce their own programming and make it available to others who wish to record material, as well.

For more information about BMT, call 509-529-9149 or email manager@bmt.tv.

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Featured in: July 2011