The Antioch Project Connects with Bible-Study Interests

In 2010 People to People Ministries Inc. launched an outreach program that hires Bible workers to work with churches in the Portland, Ore., area. For more than 30 years, PPM has been involved in inner-city ministry offering tutoring, educational services, and conducting a variety of health and Bible seminars. Now through fundraising efforts and support from donors, the organization has been able to initiate the community outreach program called The Antioch Project.

The project, based on Acts 11:19–26, shares effective outreach strategies and training opportunities with churches and members. It helps local churches reach many who are reading the Scriptures but do not understand their true meaning. “All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven. Prayers, tears and inquiries go up from souls longing for light, for grace and for the Holy Spirit. Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only to be gathered in” (Ellen White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 109).

Door-to-door surveys are conducted to obtain information about people’s needs and their interests in health and Bible study. Bible study invitation cards are available to be given out and/or mailed to those living in the church’s zip code area. Within four to five months, the church is encouraged to sponsor a seminar with a focus on health, creation, Bible teachings or prophecy.

Steve Chinn, Mt. Tabor Church pastor, says, “The Bible workers have been a real blessing. The surveys that they conducted in the community underscored the fact that the largest concern of our neighbors was for their health. So our plan to conduct a health seminar was affirmed.”

“Having three Bible workers team up with our Bible worker instructor, Chris Camacho, has been a new experience for the Stone Tower Church,” says Ben Barcenas, pastor. “The Bible workers have led the way going door to door and finding interests for Bible study. They have made an impact on the Stone Tower Church by encouraging its members to be involved in witnessing."

The Antioch Project is now planning to work with two other churches in the Portland area. Church members are becoming excited about reaching out to their community. On Jan. 8, there will be a seminar “Preparing for a Harvest” held at the Stone Tower Church at 2 p.m. For more information about the Antioch Project and/or the seminar, contact People to People Ministries, P.O. Box 2221, Clackamas, OR 97015; call 503-367-4635 or visit

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Featured in: January 2011
