Prineville Church Growing

The Prineville Church welcomed 18 new members through baptism during the Revelation Now seminar. Jac Colon, pastor, preached while his wife, Dena, provided nightly music and family moment lectures.

More than 40 visitors attended the series. Even after the topic on the Sabbath, there was barely a drop in attendance, proof that God is working in the hearts of men and women. Church members and Galvez, pastor, believe God decided it's time for their beautiful church building to become a showcase of His love and truth, and for the members to step up to the plate—and they did.

Revelation Now is the perfect program to carry the good news to a world experiencing difficulties in economics and finance. "I appreciate the clear presentation of Bible truths," says one attendee. "This is the first time I've seen an exceptionally thorough program," says one member. As an added result, others continue to study, preparing to make the decision to accept Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

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Featured in: January 2009