TIPS FOR AUTHORS What Kind of Stories Are the Editors Seeking?

Because of the long deadlines for the PRINT edition the editors are particularly looking for:

Stories of outreach and nurture activities that share ideas other Northwest churches could try.

Conversion stories that focus on relationships: how did the individual hear of the Adventist Church, why was someone attracted to the church and who encouraged him or her to become a member? Avoid a list of people with a paragraph about each one.

Stories that support Adventist Christian education at all levels.

Stewardship stories that illustrate the blessings that result from trusting every aspect of the life to God. These stories might deal with Sabbath-keeping, health, relationships, tithing, freedom from addiction or many other topics.

Stories of evangelism focusing on people rather than numbers.

In addition to the above stories we will publish news stories of archival importance: church or school groundbreakings, dedications, anniversaries, etc.

With each story, try to provide at least one high-quality photograph—either print or digital. Every photo must be accompanied by a complete sentence caption identifying the people and/or describing what's happening in the photo. The file size of digital JPG photos should be at least 1 megabyte in order to have a publishable-size image.

We do not publish: poetry; animal stories (unless they fit one of the criteria listed above); personal life stories; photos with only brief photo captions listing all the people in a group who were recently baptized, without any conversion stories.

For the ONLINE edition of GLEANER the editors are looking for:

Timely stories about church and school events that have just happened.

Stories from missionaries who call the Northwest "home."

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Featured in: November 2007
