Idaho Women's Retreat Brings an Opportunity to Share God

More than 80 women attended the Idaho Conference Women's Retreat at Camp Ida-Haven to hear Ardis Stenbakken, General Conference women's ministries director. Each year, we pray that this conference will reach women and help strengthen their relationships with God. Here's my story of one woman who was helped this year.

I noticed a woman, somewhat agitated and in a hurry. When she asked me when the bookstore would open, I told her, "in a few minutes, after sundown." She didn’t care much for my answer and quickly walked away. When the store opened, she was there buying a pile of books. As she attempted to carry them, I offered to assist her. I carried some of her books, and we began to talk. She was not an Adventist, but had felt impressed to stop by the camp on her way down from northern Idaho, heading home to Caldwell. She had visited the church there a time or two, and knew of the retreat, but really didn’t know much about Adventists at all. We laughed, cried and prayed together in that short visit.

I don’t know what eternal or present effect our meeting will have, but the Lord certainly does. Come and join us next year, Sept. 7–9, 2007, to hear JoAnn Davidson.

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Featured in: November 2006
