Auburn Adventist Academy Celebrates Increased Enrollment

Enrollment is up at Auburn Adventist Academy with 317 students filling the hallways and classrooms each day. “I really like Auburn,” says Elizabeth Altman, one of the 137 new students at AAA. “I always planned on coming to AAA, since my parents graduated from Auburn. Now that I’m here and have met lots of really nice students and teachers, I am even more excited about high school.”

In addition to the students from our own Washington Conference, young people traveled from their homes in Florida, Texas, California, Oregon, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Arizona and Alaska to attend AAA. Auburn also welcomes 50 international students to campus from 18 different countries. From northern Asia to South America, Eastern Europe to Central America, AAA is blessed to embrace such a global community.

With the onset of the 2005–06 school year, AAA is experiencing the vitality that comes with a growing school. Classrooms are bursting at the seams, and hallways are crowded as students race between classes. Auburn is not only excited about its growth in student enrollment, but also about the spiritual and community-service opportunities students have on campus. It is for these opportunities to nurture students in the ways of Christ that we rejoice.

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Featured in: October 2005
