Yellow House Float Enters in Estacada 4th of July Parade

On the morning of July 4, two years of planning, dreaming and just wishful thinking finally became reality.

The crew from the Yellow House, which houses Estacada Adventist Community Services, started early in the morning to put the finishing touches on the Yellow House float for the Estacada 4th of July parade. Someone had suggested that the old ugly green trash trailer could become a float. It was cleaned, sanded and painted yellow. Church members put a roof on it and refurbished it.

During the parade, three Yellow House ladies rode in back of the pickup and threw out small stuffed animals for the kids. A couple of the adults and several children passed out more than 1,000 little paper Yellow Houses with our mission statement printed on them.

The following week two ladies came to the Yellow House and asked to tour our church. One of the ladies had an Adventist mother. They said they would be back for church. We also had a call from another lady, as a direct result of the float, offering remnants from an estate sale.

A lot of people said that they had not heard of us before. We are looking forward to more evangelistic programs that build on the Yellow House this year.

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Featured in: September 2005
