Philip Miller, literature evangelist for Cowlitz and Clark counties in Washington and member of the Hockinson Heights Adventist Church, recently received a trophy in recognition of three years of outstanding service.
With the encouragement and volunteer assistance of area churches, Miller represented the Seventh-day Adventist Church at the Cowlitz and Clark county fairs.
Two years ago, Miller distributed 6,112 pieces of literature at the Cowlitz fair; last year, he more than doubled that figure, to 14,055. This year, at the same fair, he tripled his original figure and distributed 19,074 pieces of Christian literature.
Cecelia St. Clair, district director, pays tribute to Miller’s outstanding courage and urges all who are interested in learning more about literature evangelism in the Oregon Conference to contact her by phone at (503) 887-4437 or, toll free, at (800) 887-4437.
Other literature evangelists who manned booths in the Oregon Conference territory this year were Delwin Brower, Cook, Jefferson, and Deschutes counties; Hugh Cowles, Linn and Benton counties and Oregon State Fair; Helen Fried, Oregon Camp Meeting booth; Sharon Pierce, Clatsop County; Jim Webb, Jackson and Lane counties; Dorene Sample with Phillip Miller, Clark County; and Cecelia St. Clair, Oregon State Fair.
New literature evangelists this year include Brian Coy, Eagle Point, Ore.; Moses Boney, Astoria, Ore.; and W.T. Kaiser, Portland, Ore. Wade Walker assists Dick Hoey with the Laurelwood Academy Magabook Program, while serving as a regular literature evangelist. •