Do Missions Pay?

Do mission projects pay? Ask Bruce and Norma Brunson, who this May made their sixth trip to Guatemala.

With them on their latest mission venture was Isaías Hernández, who they met 24 years ago in Guatemala during their first visit.

Hernández, then a 17-year-old student, became a special friend to the Brusons and went on to college in Argentina, where he met and married wife Graciela.

Now pastor of the Spanish Adventist church in Milwaulkie, Ore., Hernández led an evangelistic team to his homeland, including his wife and children, several local members, and Gorge Ortíz, M.D., of Meacham, Ore., assisted by nurse Miriam Kelly of Cedar Creek, Wash.

The combined influence of the clinics and evangelistic meetings led to 53 baptisms.

As they look back on years of mission work in Guatemala, the Brunsons are convinced: Missions pay! •

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Featured in: August 2002
