Arlene Gawley on her 100th Birthday Celebration!
GAWLEY 100th
Arlene G. Gawley celebrated her 100th birthday with two celebrations and her church family sending cards. She received many, and it made her 100th birthday even more special.
Arlene DeForrest was born June 19, 1920, and raised in Aberdeen, South Dakota, with four brothers and three sisters. She had opportunity to attend Plainview Academy in Redfield, South Dakota, where she met friends for life, including the past conference president Jimmy Chase.
Arlene attended Northern State Teacher's College in Aberdeen, but due to wartime she migrated with her sister to Tacoma, Washington, for work. She found work with the Army Air Corps, met and married Victor Gawley, and raised five children.
Arlene served as a librarian in Puyallup, Washington, as well as at the nearby Washington State Research and Experiment Station. She still lives in her home in Puyallup and enjoys playing Suduko. She also enjoys sharing her faith with her neighbors and continues to nurture her cat, Tobby.
Arlene's family includes Dale Gawley of Puyallup; Dana Gawley of Medford, Oregon; Don Gawley of Apison, Tennessee; Danielle McClannahan of Collegedale, Tennessee; Darlene Thornton of Puyallup; 7 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and a step-great-grandchild.