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  1. America's Would-be Saviors

    America's Would-be Saviors Feature It is not just the Pope who is drawing hundreds of thousands, with throngs pressing all about to get a glimpse of him, and maybe even a touch of his hand.

  2. Students Wear Pink

    … Adventist Academy chose to go passionately pink on Oct. 17, 2008. On Passionately Pink Day, the campus was saturated with students and staff …

  3. Adventist Voters Face a World of Change

    Adventist Voters Face a World of Change Feature Americans are worried. The changes in our world that began after the September 11 tragedies have not abated. Americans see the world as they have known it…

  4. Gleaner Style Guide

    … only a month and year or only a month and date: October 2008 or Oct. 8. Use commas between a month, date and year when together: Oct. 8, 2008. Use commas with day, month and date: Sunday, Oct. 8. Years can start … and titles of leaflets ; Themes for retreats, events, week of prayers, etc. [NPUC 45th Regional …

  5. The Dayville Story Big Miracles for a Small Town

    The Dayville Story Big Miracles for a Small Town … On the western edge of the Idaho Conference, the town of Dayville, Ore., enjoys a church plant valued at a …