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  1. NPUC Strategic Plan Mid-Term Report

    … as North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) president in 2001, he publicly introduced a 10-part strategic plan for …

  2. Finding Hope As We Remember 9/11

    … It was just another ordinary September day. The air was beginning to cool and bits of fall color …

  3. Olympia Church Includes Community in Grand Re-opening

    Olympia Church Includes Community in Grand Re-opening Washington Conference Members of the Olympia, Wash., Church, recently shared their joy…

  4. Hayden Lake Hosts 'Living in the Final Week'

    Hayden Lake Hosts 'Living in the Final Week' …

  5. Adventists: Sheep or Goats?

    … Perspective Seventh-day Adventism parachuted onto the public square through the …

  6. 19918: Normagene "Gene" Churchill

    … She was a graduate of North Branch Johnsonville of Seventh-day Adventists. During her college years, she taught church … Bible Studies in the evenings, and helping implement church events on weekends. The years flew by. Oct. 1, 1990, … full time ministry. After a season of retirement, October 2001, Normagene and Byron were asked to assist in planting a …

  7. Understanding Ecumenism and What Really Happened in Bologna

    Understanding Ecumenism and What Really Happened in Bologna Perspective In the last couple of weeks a story has been spread on social media…

  8. America's Would-be Saviors

    America's Would-be Saviors Feature It is not just the Pope who is drawing hundreds of thousands, with throngs pressing all about to get a glimpse of him, and maybe even a touch of his hand.