When God Answers the Phone: The emergency room was slammed. Ambulances rolled in one after another and patients were piling up at the front desk to check in. At the same time, Erika Rootvik, admitting clerk, was trying to implement a new standardized telephone script. Little... Leer más
"Stories From Our Lives:" Humor, tragedy, heartbreak, healing, loss, redemption ... As with most health care institutions, Adventist Health is filled not only with patients, beds, doctors and nurses, but with stories. For each patient that walks in the door and for each cl... Leer más
Circles of Light When Ellen White once portrayed the final delivery of the third angel's message in Revelation 18:1 as "servants of God, with their faces lighted up" hastening from place to place, she could just as well been describing the bright light of Adventis... Leer más
Blue Mountain Television and He's Alive Broadcasting Blue Mountain Television has been on the air in the Walla Walla (Wash.) Valley since 1990. Dan Thesman, general manager, with a background in network television production, oversees a unique mix of educational and community-oriented programs augme... Leer más