Family: Milestones

  • MACKENZIE 50th

    Ed and Ruth MacKenzie celebrated thier 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday morning, June 29, 2014, after the Washington Conference Camp Meeting at the Auburn City (Wash.) Church with a brunch in the fellowship hall. There were about 70 family and...

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  • MALMEDE 75th

    Joe and Marie (Gulker) Malmede celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary on June 9, 2016.

    They were married June 9, 1941, in Birmingham, Ala., at the parsonage of a church Joe attended while a young boy. After a miraculous conversion during Joe's...

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  • MANDIGO 50th

    Wally and Sandi Mandigo celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 13, 2015, in College Place, Wash., with a reception. Daughters Elizabeth Yaw and Crystal Levin planned a 50th anniversary celebration at Gospel Outreach, which about 55 friends and...

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    Len and Odette Maniscalco married Aug. 23, 1953, at Central Church in San Francisco, Calif. Len graduated from the College of Medical Evangelists the year they were changing to Loma Linda University (1959). He graduated as a physical therapist.


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  • MARRIOTT 75th

    Clyde and Vernita Marriott celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary Nov. 30, 2016. They celebrated with their family at the assisted living center where they live.

    Clyde and Vernita were married Nov. 30, 1941. Seven days later, Japan attacked the U...

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  • McCLUSKEY 65th

    March 2, 2017, marked 65 years since Stan McCluskey and Betty Smith were married in Portland, Ore. Even in the poor years, it was wonderful to be together.

    Stan grew up in Southern California and Betty in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Their paths met at...

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  • McFARLANE 60th

    Bill and Meribeth McFarlane celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Aug. 15, 2017.

    Bill McFarlane and Meribeth Wagner met while attending Walla Walla College. They lived in the Walla Walla, Wash., area and then in Southern California, where...

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  • MCKINSTRY 65th

    Jim and Pearl McKinstry celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Sept. 11, 2015, with friends and family at dinner in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    Pearl Maguire graduated from Laurelwood Academy (Gaston, Ore.) in 1943, and Jim graduated from...

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  • McPHERSON 60th

    Darrell and Fay McPherson celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Dec. 29, 2016.

    Darrell McPherson was born in Kent, Wash., and graduated from Auburn Adventist Academy. Dolly Fay Tulak was born in the township of Spallumcheen, British Columbia...

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  • DUERKSEN 70th

    Merlyn and Rosemary Duerksen celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on July 2, 2020 with a virtual party.

    Merlyn Duerksen met Rosemary Halburg at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California, and they were married at the Hill Church in Loma...

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  • ALTMAN 60th

    Mike and Carol Altman celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Feb. 10, 2018, with a family gathering, followed by a much-delayed honeymoon to a local resort provided by their family to mark this event.

    Mike and Carol met at the Gladstone (Ore.)...

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  • MILLER 50th

    Bud and Tina Miller celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Aug. 31, 2019, at the Newberg Church fellowship hall.

    Leverrett Bruster "Bud" Miller and Tina Sallee met in high school while attending Andrews Academy in 1968. They fell in love and...

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  • MILLER 60th

    Harley Miller and Sharon Wakefield were married Dec. 17, 1959, at the Colton Adventist Church in California. Harley, from Eureka, South Dakota, and Sharon, from Takoma Park, Maryland, met as students at Loma Linda University. After Sharon’s graduation in 1959...

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  • MONDOR 70th

    Bill and Tillie Mondor celebrated their 70th and 71st wedding anniversaries with a reception at their home with family. In 2017, Bill fell down the basement step and broke his neck, preventing celebration of their 70th wedding anniversary that year. After a...

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  • MOOR 65th

    Fred had just returned to La Sierra College to complete per-med following his 22 month stint in the army when he met Edith Louise James, who had vowed never to marry a veteran, or a doctor. His heart and humor won hers. They were wed on June 27, 1948, of Rupp...

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  • MORRIS 70th

    Don and Jeanne Morris were married Aug. 8, 1948, in Pendleton, Ore., where they met. Don is from Illinois, and Jeanne is from North Dakota. They are members and have been active in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    Don became a registered X-ray...

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  • MUNSON 50th

    Lloyd and Jeanne Munson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 25, 2016, with a reception in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

    Lloyd Munson first met Jeanne Kurtz at Pacific Union College in Angwin, Calif., during music theory class. They were...

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  • O'DAY 60th

    Bob and Wilma O'Day celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 6, 2021.

    Robert O'Day and Wilma Meske were married on June 6, 1961, in Monroe, Washington, after graduating from Walla Walla College with their degree in education. Their work in...

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  • OAKES and ROGERS 60th

    On Aug. 24, 1958, in Battle Ground, Wash., Gloria D. Cox and her sister, Judy L. Cox, married A.W. “Bill” Oakes and Von Rogers, respectively, in a double wedding.

    The internet tells us, according to Bill’s brother, that only 6% of marriages...

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  • OLSON 50th

    Alton and Doris (Haney) Olson celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Aug. 23, 2014, at a reception hosted by their children.

    They met while attending the same church and junior academy in Pendleton, Ore. Their first date was in September 1963 to the...

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