The High Road to Hell Some of the devil's most devoted disciples are among the best-behaved people on Earth. The most deceived of them experience victory over sin. Some are longtime church members devoted to doing the will of God but are servants of satanic delusions. Leer más
Apocalaughs Now Last year when Barely Adventist informed the digital world that beloved televangelist Doug Batchelor would be making his debut on Dancing With the Stars, a passionate diatribe on the holiness of humor erupted on social media comments sections. Leer más
Four Special People What picture comes to your mind when you see the word "church"? For many, we see a picture of the local church building where we worship on a weekly basis. Or we may think of the office buildings where the various levels of church governance are l... Leer más
Tribes I was more than shocked. I was grieved. But I shouldn’t have been surprised. There on Facebook was a forwarded post from a church member that featured a racially charged message about our nation’s president. The words were biased, bigoted, disresp... Leer más
Why the Pre-Advent Judgment? Since God already knows who believers are, why have a judgment in heaven before Jesus comes? Adventists often get asked that when explaining our unique beliefs. Leer más
Interacting With an Atheist “Would you mind if we had a little fun at your expense?” Paul, a Christian, teased his atheist brother, Ron. Leer más