Full Circle It never ceases to amaze me how God uniquely works. Mary Klein’s story began in 1959, and my memories of my grandmother are still vivid and clear as if it was yesterday. When I would visit her, the aroma of fresh bread and caribou stew would fill ... Leer más
Creator It was an image I’ll never forget, though it harkens back more than four decades. The sun was riding low in the west as I neared the iconic overlook to Yosemite Valley. On a clear day, the view stretches east from Bridalveil Fall in the foreground... Leer más
Giving Jesus Away First, let me acknowledge that this is a Christmassy article that does not appear in the December issue of the Gleaner. This is because the story itself happened over the holiday, meaning there was no time to submit it to the appropriate issue. An... Leer más
A Sanctuary From Racism Each February, Black History Month provides opportunity to take a searching and fearless inventory of interracial attitudes and relationships. Americans of goodwill aspire to make 2017 a better experience than last year’s national turmoil. Leer más
The Walrus Hunter He was a hunter, a Siberian Yupik who lived in the village of Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island in the western half of the Bering Sea. An American, living 30 miles from Russia. A First Nation hunter, dying from the white man's disease, tuberculosis. Leer más
Clothing It is a cruel fact of life that clothes wear out — even the ones we like best. We sadly say goodbye to our favorite sneakers when they fall apart, grieve the miniature version of that special shirt that didn’t survive the dryer, and hold a special... Leer más
Upgrade It was entitled “A Noseworthy Issue.” The title of the first Let’s Talk column in January 2008 led to an apology of sorts. Our malfeasance was undeniable. Recent issues of the Gleaner had wafted noxious odors into mailboxes across the Northwest an... Leer más
Faith for the Future Dec. 7, 1892, was a banner day for 103 eager scholars enrolled for the first day of classes at the newly established Walla Walla College. Some of our current Northwest members have family ties to those first students who, along with the staff and ... Leer más
Six Suggestions for a Happy New Year “Happy New Year” is a dubious prospect for the world in 2017. But for us who cherish God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth, the trials of this present evil age are a prelude to the eternal glory awaiting us. Leer más