First CHIP Graduation in Goldendale Nine people graduated from the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) program in Goldendale, led by Calvin and Faye Fischer.Meetings were held four nights a week for four weeks. Each night a CHIP video was shown featuring Hans Diehl, Dr.HSc. A... Leer más
Thomas Knoll New UCC Trust Officer Thomas R. Knoll Sr., Attorney at Law, was recently admitted to the Washington State Bar. On May 4, 2005, he took the Oath of Attorney before Judge Donald W. Schacht of the Superior Court for Walla Walla County. On May 16, 2005, the Supreme Court o... Leer más
South Hill Church Remembers Past and Embraces Future Tthe Spokane South Hill Church gathered in March to celebrate the groundbreaking for a new addition to the church building. The church is bursting at the seams and needs more room to spread out. The new addition will provide six new rooms, includi... Leer más
Juniors Take Sabbath School to Shut-ins The Albany (Ore.) Church junior class brings Sabbath School to members who are unable to attend church. They do this the third Sabbath of every month. They go to the members' homes, the hospital or to nursing homes.They introduce themselves and as... Leer más
Planting Seeds of Kindness Tangent, Ore., residents look forward to May Day when Central Valley Christian School children make their annual pilgrimage of love to their 400–500 neighbors. The outreach has been expanding for more than 10 years. Local nurseries donate potted p... Leer más
Better Life Television Station Receives Maranatha Remodel Better Life Television (KBLN), an Adventist local cable station in southern Oregon, recently received a much-needed expansion to its facilities through Maranatha Volunteers International.From March 16–30, a team of 19 Maranatha volunteers converte... Leer más
Churches Campaign to Get 3ABN on Comcast Cable Since Memorial Day weekend last year when we attended camp meeting at the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) headquarters in southern Illinois, the Lord has continued to impress me to promote a campaign to get the 3ABN included in the networ... Leer más
God's Lost-and-found Plan Elden Leroy, a Newport Church deacon, had lost his full set of church keys and couldn't find them.Riding his bike home from the store one September day, 11-year-old Daryen Ackerman passed the front doors of the Newport Adventist Church. He noticed... Leer más