Hide-and-Seek Playing hide-and-seek with small children provides minimal challenge. Often children select obvious places (hiding under a blanket in the middle of the room) or, if the lights have been turned out, will request that you hide with them. At times th... Leer más
Will America Exchange Liberty for Security? Will America forfeit civil and religious liberties in quest of national security? Our cities seethe with political and racial turmoil, while threats multiply from radical Islamic terrorism. Some foresee a crisis of such magnitude only God can save... Leer más
Thesaurus A couple years ago a man named Tom ruined the game show Jeopardy for everyone in the world. The question, or answer as it happens to be in the game of Jeopardy, posed to the contestants read as follows: In common law, the age of this, signaling ad... Leer más
A Prophetic Question In his stark and somber inaugural address, President Donald Trump vowed to “unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.” Is this promise a fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Leer más
Giving Jesus Away First, let me acknowledge that this is a Christmassy article that does not appear in the December issue of the Gleaner. This is because the story itself happened over the holiday, meaning there was no time to submit it to the appropriate issue. An... Leer más
A Sanctuary From Racism Each February, Black History Month provides opportunity to take a searching and fearless inventory of interracial attitudes and relationships. Americans of goodwill aspire to make 2017 a better experience than last year’s national turmoil. Leer más
Clothing It is a cruel fact of life that clothes wear out — even the ones we like best. We sadly say goodbye to our favorite sneakers when they fall apart, grieve the miniature version of that special shirt that didn’t survive the dryer, and hold a special... Leer más
Six Suggestions for a Happy New Year “Happy New Year” is a dubious prospect for the world in 2017. But for us who cherish God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth, the trials of this present evil age are a prelude to the eternal glory awaiting us. Leer más