Ted Torkelson, Ted Torkelson Dallas Church communication leader By Ted Torkelson, Ted Torkelson Dallas Team Builds Church in Dominican Republic Just imagine the amount of time and effort that someone would have to invest in order to recruit volunteers, coordinate schedules, make sure that travel documents for 27 people are all in order for a mission trip to a foreign country, and oversee ... Leer más Dallas Lay Members Lead 1,900 Africans to Jesus “By God’s grace, we did it,” sums up the glowing report given at a Dallas, Ore., church service, June 29, by two teams of lay members just returned from a preaching crusade in Africa.They had responded to an appeal by Robert S. Folkenberg, former ... Leer más
Dallas Team Builds Church in Dominican Republic Just imagine the amount of time and effort that someone would have to invest in order to recruit volunteers, coordinate schedules, make sure that travel documents for 27 people are all in order for a mission trip to a foreign country, and oversee ... Leer más
Dallas Lay Members Lead 1,900 Africans to Jesus “By God’s grace, we did it,” sums up the glowing report given at a Dallas, Ore., church service, June 29, by two teams of lay members just returned from a preaching crusade in Africa.They had responded to an appeal by Robert S. Folkenberg, former ... Leer más