NPUC Executive Committee 2011–2016 The list of committee members who served on the North Pacific Union Conference executive committee from 2011–2016. Leer más
What Good Is Diversity? When the Apostle Paul described God’s church as a body with differing parts, but of equal value, I believe he was onto something we too often forget. Diversity doesn’t have to pull us apart. Instead, it can add color and new insights to both our c... Leer más
Joy in the Journey I have the pleasure of working with church members who have discovered the joy of giving, and it never ceases to amaze me how joyful these folks are. While attending a recent seminar, I learned why that is. Do you know that God designed us to be c... Leer más
A Fresh Focus on Creation If you take the words of Scripture as they read, without clever interpretations or complicated hermeneutics, it is pretty easy to understand what they say about the origins of life on Planet Earth. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; a... Leer más
Unto Us This year marks the passing of a century since the death of Ellen G. White in 1915. As we draw this year to a close, we take note of her words describing the incarnation of our Savior. Leer más
Living Our Mission by Empowering Our Communities God calls each of us to follow the example of Jesus Christ as loving and compassionate individuals. This means caring for ourselves and others in mind, body and spirit as He did on Earth. As Jesus empowered those He healed with confidence in His p... Leer más
LIDGTT FTATIM These letters are carved in the fireplace mantle at the home of the Hawaiian poet Don Blanding. They are the first letters in the words of a phrase he wanted to be reminded of daily: "Lord I Do Give Thee Thanks For The Abundance That Is Mine." He ... Leer más
An Appeal to the Family I want to ask for a moment of silence. Not in remembrance of someone who is lost, but so that as a church we can take a deep breath and think about Who we serve. Jesus Christ is the head of our church, and we all serve Him. We must also remember t... Leer más