BJ Wagner Oasis Church communication leader By BJ Wagner Oasis Adventist Church Finally Has a Home! It was a miracle that only God could have achieved! After 11 years of worshiping in rented facilities and moving nine times, it was a glorious day on Sabbath, Nov. 6, 2004, when the church family hosted a grand opening in its newly purchased facil... Leer más Creation Seminar Hosted at Oasis Church The weekend of March 4–5 the Oasis Church in Boise, Idaho, hosted a faith-building creation seminar, conducted by Doug Newton, M.D., founder and president of Trinity Creation Studies, Inc. Newton is head of the emergency room at Walla Walla Genera... Leer más
Oasis Adventist Church Finally Has a Home! It was a miracle that only God could have achieved! After 11 years of worshiping in rented facilities and moving nine times, it was a glorious day on Sabbath, Nov. 6, 2004, when the church family hosted a grand opening in its newly purchased facil... Leer más
Creation Seminar Hosted at Oasis Church The weekend of March 4–5 the Oasis Church in Boise, Idaho, hosted a faith-building creation seminar, conducted by Doug Newton, M.D., founder and president of Trinity Creation Studies, Inc. Newton is head of the emergency room at Walla Walla Genera... Leer más