Grace Alice Mentzel 100th


Grace Alice Mentzel

Featured in: January 2015


How often do you attend a birthday party for a 100-year-old? On July 10, 2014, the family and friends of Grace Alice Mentzel filled the fellowship hall of the Canyonville Church for a birthday luncheon celebrating her century of life. Inamae Henderson, Grace Alice's niece, planned the event, which included a noon luncheon organized by Mabel Van Cleave.   

A luncheon program included singing “Happy Birthday" and a tribute to Grace Alice given by Chester Schurch, pastor, entitled “Amazing Grace Alice,” in which he referenced the culture existing 100 years ago. For example, when Grace Alice was born, Woodrow Wilson was president of the United States, the Panama Canal had just opened, Babe Ruth had played his first professional game of baseball and A. G. Daniels was General Conference president.  

Schurch and his wife, Cindy, sang a duet written by Grace Alice, “I Want the Love of Jesus in My Heart.” Henderson gave a tribute to her aunt, which was followed by a poem written for the special occasion by a friend, Ann Ingermanson. The birthday celebration concluded with Grace Alice’s favorite song, “The Holy City,” sung by a friend, Bob Bright, with his wife, Arlene, playing the violin, and accompanied by Mary Calvert on the piano. Those in attendance agreed there never was a nicer person honored on her one 100th birthday.